Sunday, July 11, 2010

I'm the only one who'd walk across a fire for you!

The hardest times come when I lose innocence; believing, perhaps innocently, that there was none left to lose.

Fragility is something you must grow out of. Like everything fragile, sometimes you break. There are gaps of putty holding you together. Not until you are fired in the kiln do you grow hard and learn how to hold water.

Love is not a patient, kind thing. Love is vigorous and ferocious. Love is visceral and cannot be forced. Love is the captivating emotion.

Anger is only useful if you are powerful enough to channel it. Anger can define your intentions. Anger will ache and masquerade as many things.

An infatuation can electrify you. Thousands of volts are screaming through you. Once grounded, letting go can be impossible.

To grow is to understand that nothing is perfect. Good, bad, ugly and unfathomable exist in all things.

Perspective requires growth. Perspective changes as we do, backing up from the image until we see new shapes. As those shapes change, so does our interpretation.

“No matter what bothers you now, in a year you will laugh at it” –Joan Rivers

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