Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Kelly and Me

Another chapter in my memoirs

I had a relationship with a wonderful person whom I can see myself becoming friends with again, should the opportunity strike. This individual, Kelly, is two years my senior, and has a wonderfully bubbly personality. She lights up a room when she enters it, she commands attention. This errant way of commanding attention is what, I think, attracted me to her in the first place.

Preinteraction Awareness: When I first met Kelly, the second day that I was at State, she walked into the food court of the Memorial Union with a ball cap, bill towards her left shoulder, a black long sleeved tightly knit shirt, and a pair of baggy Diesel jeans. She wore a leather bracelet around her left wrist, rings on all but two of her fingers, a loose black belt around her waist, and three chains around her neck. Kelly sat down to the table of people gathered and got right into business; we discussed the years plans, how things would pan out, and what direction we wanted to take the Alliance in that year. As a freshman who thought quite highly of himself, I was enamored.

Acquaintance: At the first Alliance meeting of the year, Kelly was walking around and speaking with people after the General Assembly meeting. Making small talk and discussing the meeting, Kelly eventually got around to inviting people to her apartment that Friday night for a “country club” themed party. Just as I was about to leave, she caught me and said, “You’re coming on Friday right?” I said, “Sure, just give me a time and a place.” We exchanged the information, she gave me a hug, and I drove home that night, thrilled that I would be going to my first real in-college college party.

After raking myself across the coals all day Friday trying to decide what to wear, I have to admit that I have always hated theme parties, I chose something, dolled myself up, and went. We had a blast that night. I met more people than I had in the three weeks since arriving at State. Before I left, around 3:30 AM, Kelly grabbed me by the arm and said, “Let’s do lunch next week. I’ll text you”

Exploration/Intensification: The following Tuesday I got a text message asking me to meet Kelly at La Fuente for dinner. I went, and had a remarkable time. It couldn’t have gone better if I’d written the story myself, and believe me, I’ve tried. We just seemed to click in the way that so few people do. We discussed everything from politics to our families, from Broadway (which she was ashamed to admit that she loved) to academia. We sat at that restaurant for nearly three hours just talking the night away. Ten minutes after we parted that evening, I received a text message in true Kelly style, “I’m so glad that we got together tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow baby.” Kelly and I became fast friends that night and would grow closer and closer as the time went on.

Intimacy: As the months passed and we worked, played, and laughed together, Kelly and I shared more and more of our lives with one another. Not a day passed that we didn’t get together for a chat. If we did miss one another for a day, as sometimes couldn’t be avoided, we’d make up for it the following day with vigor, catching each other up on what had gone on and assuring one another that we’d make it through, one day at a time. I grew very fond of these moments together, and came to depend upon them as a staple in my every day life.

I was with Kelly through many of her finest moments. The day she took a leap of faith and told her father that she was a lesbian, I was the second person she told, after her Mother. When Kelly applied, and was eventually accepted to Graduate school, I was there, encouraging her and cheering for her. I had the privilege of being there for her through two break ups with the same women, both of which were trying on her soul. I was pleased and honored that she wished to share these moments with me. I wouldn’t trade those late nights for all the fame of Judy Garland in her prime.

Turmoil or Stagnation: It’s hard to say exactly when Kelly and I began to grow apart. A part of me thinks it was when we had a large interpersonal conflict at a conference we both attended. Another voice says that we began to grow apart over this past summer. Either way, as she began to develop a new sense of self, and ventured into different arenas of people, places, and things, so did I; we began to slowly grow apart. We no longer spoke every day, points in our lives went by with the other completely unaware. We were, to put it in the context of this assignment, stagnant.

Deintensification/Individualization: We attempted to rally our friendship a few times, swearing that we’d get together more often and making dates, then canceling them. Kelly was promoted at her job, and while I was happy for her, I was also extremely sad to see her move farther and farther away. She began to socialize more with different people, outside our circle of friends and I began to focus on other circles of people too. We began to move apart.

Separation: Kelly and I began to get more and more involved within our respective circles. I spent much more time with my friends and she with hers. We would see each other at mutual functions and speak, and laugh and remember “the good old days” when we were inseparable. Though we had gone our separate ways, we still held on to that spark that brought us together in the first place. We held on to that something that brings two people together for whatever reason, and makes them companions. Kelly and I were companions in our lives. We shared our secrets, or thoughts, and our aspirations. We discussed everything, sometimes until 4 AM, and never thought it would end.

Postseparation Effects: It did end though, and looking back, I wish I’d tried harder to keep it alive. I do believe that Kelly and I will become close again. If not in the near future, later, when we’ve both established ourselves and are comfortable within our everyday lives. Perhaps we’ll get together, once a month, for drinks and conversation. But if not, as has been said many times before, “We’ve always got yesterday, babe!”

I can pinpoint times when I knew that things where changing within our relationship. That first night at the party she hosted, I was once again, floored by the incredible light that she puts forth. That night I wanted to be a part of her world, and made it my job to do so. When we sat down to dinner for the first time, our conversation was immediate and relaxed. There weren’t awkward pauses and long moments of doubt, it was just free flowing information. I wanted to know about her life, and wanted her to know about mine.

When we began to grow apart, our communication began to slow and eventually came to a hault. This is due, in my opinion, to our change in social scenery. We didn’t do the same things, socialize with the same people, or have the same experiences anymore. We slowly changed our personal circumstances, and with that, came a very soft landing.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007

Re-thinking what i once said

Endings have always been hard for me. I cried at the finale of Roseanne, when she was discussing how she wrote the whole thing the way she wanted it to pan out. How she tweaked the stories and maneuvered the words to best fit her vision of her world. She explained, I cried.

That weird feeling in the pit of my stomach is coming back, strong. Full on, both barrels, loud and scary. It's almost like it's telling me "This is the end, why aren't you crying?" And I think I'm not crying because I'm not sad.

When I came to this University, I made some friendships that I thought would last a lifetime. I made friendships that I thought would get me through 4+ years in Academia. I was oh so wrong about this. I think that's part of the growing up process. My only frustration with this comes from being so young, even as I think I'm growing. There is still so much I have to learn about this world.

I gave a lot of love to a lot of people, foolishly, and equally, within my naivete, expected that love back. I'm not saying I need to be cold and callous, that's not even possible for me. I just mean that I need to protect my heart a little bit more. Not throw so much of me out there, hoping that it would come back to me.

It's not like I don't have those people in my life. I certainly do, and am very thankful that I have them! I have people here to go out with, people to say "hey" to on campus; and of course there's the Alliance, which is an entirely different interpersonal dynamic. I've really noticed all of this in my phone calls/text messages. The only messages I get from people here are asking me for info, or a meeting. None saying "hey, how ya doin?" or "Be 'here' at 9" No yellow. I need yellow. (Yellow is a Rosie thing, I'll explain later)

Last weekend, myself, and several of my friends, and a few new folks, went to Harper's Ferry for a weekend retreat. It felt amazing. It was one of the most freeing experiences! I realized how much of myself I was holding off on due to this new realization. I was around people who loved me as much, if not more, than I loved them, and it felt good.

So, perhaps the real realization here is not that I need to watch how I act, but rather, how I expect others to react to me. That's more like it :)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Damned Ladies!

Sonny came home with a mission...

So I talk about the women in my life a lot. I know it's a bit much sometimes, but I can't help it. I find women so empowering. I find women to really be the stronger sex. Okay, now I've turned into a really bad John Mayer song.

I've started this new job on campus, "Student Fundraiser." Basically, I'll be calling alumni and asking them for money. This sounds fine, and everything, I expect it to be something I can tolerate. At least they pay decently. Something else I can write about in my memoirs anyway.

So we've got three days of training for this job. Who knew there was such a theory to getting people to do things. (Please hold remarks regarding this being my major area of study)

Tonight I got to spend some phone time with Sheri Linn, my mom's beset friend.

Let me go crazy on you! Yea!

Just by speaking to her, I felt like I was eight years old again. I felt like a child. A very small child. I find myself doing this A LOT with several women. I can't quite depict the defining moment in my childhood when it happened, but somewhere along the lines, I decided to give women control over me.

Most of my friends are women, my role models are women for the most part, and I find it more than difficult to say no to those women that I'm close to. This is turning into more than a problem.

But I'm the only one who'd walk across a fire for you!

A very close friend of mine, who will remain nameless because I was raised properly and will only talk about a person behind their back, has asked me, again, to let her move in with me next semester. I'm finding it more and more difficult to say no.

Out there
full of shine and full of sparkle
close your eyes and see it glisten Barneby!
LISTEN Barneby!

How the hell do you say no to someone you don't want to say no to?

There's no blue monday in your Sunday Clothes!

This was supposed to be one of the perks of being a gay man: I didn't have to worry about women. Well screw that theory!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Things you don't know about me

1. I only like three of Madonna's singles: Hung up, Like a Prayer, Jump

2. When depressed, I listen to Wonder Boy by Tenacious D

3. I've had the same pillow since I was 11.

4. I haven't spoken with my best friend in months, save for a 2 hour car ride.

5. I watch this video at least twice a day http://www.youtube.com/v/5P6UU6m3cqk&rel=1

6. When uncomfortable in a crowded room, I pick out someone, and give them a life story

7. If I became famous the first thing i would fix would be my teeth.

8. I despise artificial orange flavoring

9. I love sweaters

10. I hate most Disney Movies

Wonder Boy, wont you take me far away from the mucky muck

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


My friend Jena came over tonight, and we had one of our heart to heart nights.

We video taped some of our walk down memory lane, for you to you enjoy!

I'm so sorry if we incriminated anyone!


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

To my mom and yours!, <3 Nate

Did anybody else grow up in that town that is so culturally diverse it's crazy, but in reality, is completely white? I did. There were blacks, whites, hispanics, latino/a's, asian folks, there were people of all shapes and sizes. But everybody was white. Case in point: I'm at the Kum and Go getting something before work one day, and this farmer-type older gentleman walks into the the store to buy a news paper for the tractor ride. Mrs. Schipper's class is coming to the farm today for a tour.

Sounds great, have fun with that. Bon bon says. Rick nods, leaves, and goes back to the farm

Two seconds later, a beautiful latina walks through the door. RIck stops just before he gets to his truck, checks out her ass, and then sighs.

Later That night, rick was at Grumpy's telling everyone that would listen about all the lil mexeecuhn kids they got in the schools now a days. and how they're invading our country.


Reason for me to be in therapy #5,678

I'm not anti-anyone due to the color of their skin. The sheer notion of acting in that manner is ludacris. Sooner or later, we're all going to be grey. Every color will have melded toghether, untill we are all, grey.
Publish Post
My mother wrote a poem, when i was very little. In it she said:

Candles of several colors
can only burn alone, side by side
showing their single colors with pride
until they all melt into a pool
of grey wax

To my mom, and yours!

Check it out!

An amazing friend of mine, CJ Champ.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

What it means to be a "Super Gay"

I wrote this ages ago. Many things have changed, but for the most part, it's still true.

For all my Fairy Winged Friends. I adore you more than you'll ever know!

It's that feeling of constantly being "on!" You're always ready to go, have your lines memorized and are ready to engage on the worlds' stage. There is nothing like this feeling, there is nothing like being strong, confident and rehearsed.

It's knowing how to fight. You've been doing it most of your life, you're getting damn good at it

It's going to sleep, wondering what the hell you're doing here. Why you're angry all the time, and praying for a dreamless sleep

It's having been through hell, and working your ass off to make sure no one else has to go there. You're willing to sacrifice yourself to make sure no one has to feel that pain.

It's being ready at a moments notice to jump up and scream.

It's being sick of screaming

It's the 3:32 am phone call:
"I can't take this. I want to die"
"What's wrong hon?"
"This is so over-whelming. Why do I have to be a part of this, why do I have to be this way? Whats wrong with me?"
"There is absolutely nothing wrong witn you. You're a beautiful human being. I understand you didn't choose this, that it chose you, but now you've got two options. You can crawl into a hole and hate yourself for doing so, or you can stand up, say I'm going to roll with these punches, and you can't keep me down"
"But it's so hard"
" I know, but remember, many have done this before you, many will do it after you, and the only thing in this world that you can do is try to make your life mean something."
"How do you do it?"
"I get up in the morning, paint on my face, and make the choice to face the day. If the day beats me at it's own game, I get up and fight a little harder"
"I don't know that I can do that"
"Of course you can. You're gay, meaning you're gifted, talented, and have amazing untapped resources. It's true that this chose us, but in choosing us, it gave us a tougher skin"
"Thank you"

It's tracing the cord back to the wall and realising that it's not only plugged in, it's going through a power surge and sparking.

It's feeling truly amazing at what you're accomplishing.

It's knowing that you're making a change, and even if what you're working for doesn't happen in your life time, it will be that much easier for the next generation

It's the willingness to sacrifice your sleep, beauty, and health for what is right.

It's sacrificing all those things, and still looking "Fabulous!" when you leave your house in the morning.

It's being able to get through the drama.

It's being scared shitless that at any given moment, someone will realise that you're not always being real, that you're putting on a face for the good of the cause.

It's being able to turn that face on and off

It's crying every time you hear that another member of the "family" has left us, and wondering what you could have done to stop it. If you could have made a difference.

It's taking that question and formulating another rally, another protest, another event in efforts to make sure that doesn't happen again

It's accepting that some people can't do what you do, and knowing that you have to work that much harder for them

It's knowing that when you're tired, battered, and bruised, you're not done yet, and the best is yet to come

It's love.

Friday, November 2, 2007

You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think

I was walking to the office today, enjoying the fantabulous weather that goes along with early November and listening to my iPod. I threw on my "Oh honey" play list after a kind of tumultuous night last night. The first song that comes on is "Sunshine go away today, I don't feel much like dancin'"

It's sunny today, but cold. Good and cold. I call it Packer cold, only because i was raised on Green and Gold. (Sorry ma, Brenda wins) So it's Packer cold outside, and as I'm passing Fredrickson Court Apartments, someone comes out of the bushes that line the side walk. So I'm startled, naturally, and ask them if they need help. I was a little upset, right in the middle of the "The Great Escape" and I hate being startled. (wait, there's somebody in the bushes, right)

Anyway, he stands up and "It's thirsty Thursday dude!" he says.
"Nah man, today's Friday. Where do you live?"
"Um, Campustown! in Legacy tower."

Resisting the urge to call Kel and tell her I found one of her "great" people, i asked him if he was alright, and told him he should probably head home. We parted ways, and just as I'm about to be out of ear shot, he screams "Hey, aren't you Nate?"
"Totally! I so know you!"
"Get home before you get sick bud"

This was one of those be careful what you wish for moments. I always wanted to be someone people know. I worked my ass off to get to that point, and now, I'm not just someone people know, I'm someone people who are still drunk know. Truly refreshing.

In other news, I'm going to be throwing myself back into school work for the next week, and then after Turkey break again. So not so much with the partying kids.

If you see me without my nose in a book, please feel free smack me.
Alliance starts back up next week. The week off was SO nice. I think we're going to have to build that in each semester.

I will leave you with my new obsession: