Tuesday, November 6, 2007

To my mom and yours!, <3 Nate

Did anybody else grow up in that town that is so culturally diverse it's crazy, but in reality, is completely white? I did. There were blacks, whites, hispanics, latino/a's, asian folks, there were people of all shapes and sizes. But everybody was white. Case in point: I'm at the Kum and Go getting something before work one day, and this farmer-type older gentleman walks into the the store to buy a news paper for the tractor ride. Mrs. Schipper's class is coming to the farm today for a tour.

Sounds great, have fun with that. Bon bon says. Rick nods, leaves, and goes back to the farm

Two seconds later, a beautiful latina walks through the door. RIck stops just before he gets to his truck, checks out her ass, and then sighs.

Later That night, rick was at Grumpy's telling everyone that would listen about all the lil mexeecuhn kids they got in the schools now a days. and how they're invading our country.


Reason for me to be in therapy #5,678

I'm not anti-anyone due to the color of their skin. The sheer notion of acting in that manner is ludacris. Sooner or later, we're all going to be grey. Every color will have melded toghether, untill we are all, grey.
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My mother wrote a poem, when i was very little. In it she said:

Candles of several colors
can only burn alone, side by side
showing their single colors with pride
until they all melt into a pool
of grey wax

To my mom, and yours!

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